How To Handle Car Accident Fault Issues


After a car accident, the driver that caused the crash should be identified as soon as possible. Unfortunately, some accidents present challenges when the drivers don't agree on fault. Read on to find out what happens when a car accident process is bogged down by issues of fault. Fault is Important The driver found to be at fault is responsible for paying the damages to the other driver (and their own damages as well).

28 April 2023

Maintaining Your Trust Fund In Your Estate Plan


A trust fund is a tool to protect certain estate assets and ensure that they go to the intended recipient upon your death. Not only that, but assets in a trust may avoid estate taxes and probate issues, which can save your loved ones time and money. However, it is important to remember that establishing the trust fund is not the end of the process. Here are some fundamentals about updating your trust and trustee.

27 March 2023

5 Things To Know When Going Through Probate


Have you been named as the executor of an estate that is going to go through probate? It will help to know the following things before you start the process so that you can have proper expectations.  Hire A Probate Lawyer  A mistake that some people make is not hiring a probate lawyer to handle the probate process. They may try to use a family friend that is a lawyer but actually specializes in other aspects of the law.

21 February 2023

An Overview Of The Disability Claims Review Process


If you're preparing to submit a disability claim, it's important that you're adequately prepared before you do so. There are many different elements to these applications and several factors that can affect your final determination. The more you understand about how disability claims are reviewed, the easier it is for you to ensure that your application is complete. Here are a few of the things that you need to know.

12 January 2023

How Can A Family Law Attorney Help When You're The Victim Of Domestic Violence?


Are you stuck in an abusive marriage and it seems there's no way out? Leaving an abusive relationship is not only difficult, but it can also be dangerous. The risks of staying in an abusive marriage are well-known, yet too many people choose to stay for fear of the unknown. A family law attorney can help you understand your legal options and provide guidance on how to protect yourself and your children.

29 November 2022

Four Reasons Why You Might Lose Money If You Don't Hire An Attorney


Car accidents are very expensive and might also affect your ability to earn a living. Because of the costs associated with a car accident, you might be tempted to avoid hiring an attorney and try to represent yourself. However, there are several ways that a car accident attorney can actually save you money. Here are four mistakes you can avoid by hiring an attorney. 1. You Might Receive a Smaller Settlement Offer

8 November 2022

Signs That You're Suffering From Work-Related Depression And The Importance Of Pursuing Compensation


Traumatic work accidents cause different complications, including depression and other mental conditions. This is usually the case when workers are recovering from serious injuries. In most cases, depression can make it challenging to resume normal activities, including work. As such, you can seek compensation for your financial losses caused by your depression problem. Thus, consider seeking treatment when you notice the below signs. Then, consult an attorney to assist you in seeking compensation.

19 September 2022